Our Multidisciplinary Team
Board Certified Psychiatrists
Licensed Therapists
Physician Associates and Nurse Practitioners
Each person encountered by our providers and will be treated with courtesy, fairness and respect. We seek to provide a place where the values of our providers and those we serve are considered relevant to assessment and treatment interventions within our recognized professional standards of care. Confidentiality is essential and mandated by health care laws.
Our Providers
We are committed to creating a practice where excellent care is provided to all we serve. Communication between the members of our team is an essential part of the services we provide. The founder of our organization was a clinician and academician. We strive to help keep our providers informed through continuing medical education and peer consultation groups. The teaching and training of residents, nurse practitioners and physician associates is also a large part of the mission for The Carter Clinic.
Psychiatric services team
Board Certified Psychiatrists
Physicians Specializing in Opiate Use Disorder Treatment
Nurse Practitioners & Physician Associates
Therapy services team
Licensed Behavioral Health and Addiction Therapists
Peer Support Specialists